Tuesday 15 March 2011

Tralee Bay - One of our Greatest Assets!

Tralee Bay is one of our greatest assets but it needs to be marketed effectively. There are many activities and sites of interest in the area to attract visitors. However there are also many activities and events that could easily enhance the area and attract more visitors, without spoiling the natural beauty of the area.

1. Improve access from the Canal Lock area to the Spa so that cyclists may also avail of the route and
prioritise the third class roads (yellow) from the Spa to Banna for cyclists - create a cycling route.
2. Mark distances along the beach at Banna with posts indicating 1/2 km intervals along the beach to
encourage walkers/runners
3. Create an annual weekend event that will attract locals and visitors to the beach area
e.g. International Sand Castle Building Competition
4. Provide minor or basic facilities for those who participate in water sports e.g. outdoor showering - washing
5. Mark a looped walk or walks in the area beach and sandhills
6. Build enclosed bird watching units/shelters at strategic points within the Tralee Bay area.
7. Plan and promote annual onshore and sea angling competitions
8. Initiate studies or encourage studies and research of the marine processes of erosion, transportation and
deposition at various points within the Tralee Bay area
9. Provide and promote initiatives of educational (primary and secondary) value within the Tralee Bay area
10. Regular beach cleaning.

These are just some of the ideas which I have thought of for now.
Again, please do add to the list if you have other ideas.

BUT all of the above and other ideas depends on the effectiveness of MARKETING!

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